Mega Flex PCB02 Front01 500w

multi-controller PCB Design

Mega Flex PCB02 Back02 600w


This custom PCB is currently undergoing a series of iterative design cycles with front and back images from the KiCAD software shown above.

The design aims for this PCB are for a single design to:

  • allow it to connect to any of the Raspberry Pi SBCs as well as to the ESP32 and Pico microcontrollers, where their individual sets of GPIO pins are through-connected to the common set of PCB based features;
  • to have onboard slide switches that can be used to 'set' the logical on/off and operation mode of the robot;
  • to provide direct interface connections for:
    • two I2C connections;
    • a PCA9685 servo control module;
    • two simple/direct servo connections;
    • a 4-pin interface for an ultrasonic sensor (3V3 only!);
    • two simple 2-pin interfaces for 'bump' switches;
    • a 3-pin interface for a PIR/microwave sensor input;
    • 6 GPIO pins for controlling a single L298N motor controller; and
    • for when the Pico microcontroller is used a separate 2x4-pin interface for an ESP-01 module.
  • a RGB LED and passive buzzer will also be directly connected to PCB; and
  • a power bus provided with microUSB and JST connectors and a jumper connection so that both the system controller and any connected devices can be powered from a single source such as a 5V rechargeable 'power bank'.



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Page last modified on Saturday 24 February 2024 09:38:24 GMT